Thursday, November 17, 2011

After I returned from Florida...... I got a little homesick. I got homesick for many reasons. I no longer lived in a place with year-round warmth, I was not 5 minutes from the beach or nearby my best friend of 14 years and I just missed the normality of what "comfortability" felt like. I was experiencing the change of homes, of friends and of life. Of course within a few days I was fine and accepting. But I tell you moving makes you a stronger person. You really realize who matters in life and who you can count on and straight-up who does not. I am learning to live a life with good people, the old and the new, with much less drama and learning who I am. I am 25 and I realize I should probably have already graduated school, be in a career and moving towards family life. However, I think I am the furthest away from it all in a really long time.... is this a bad thing or this a good thing? Learning to re-create who we once were to become something different and better.... I guess that all takes time.

1 comment:

  1. Best friend, I finally read your blog bc I didn't know the link, and you just posted it on FB. This is my fave post so far. It made me teary-eyed LOL. Miss you tremendously. So proud of your accomplishments, experiences & the person you're becoming! & Oh, yeah. I think all of this is a good thing!! Love you to pieces. See you in 3 weeks!! <333
